Interest in Joining Our IM-K Rotary Club?

“What does it mean to be a Rotarian? 

To me, it means being in the midst of goodness.  Rotarians are people of action who provide service to their communities and the entire world. Rotarians serve locally and internationally, which is why our name is “Rotary International.”

When you are with Rotarians, you are in the midst of goodness.

You are with people who work to eradicate polio and disease, support women and children, foster economic development, protect the environment, provide safe drinking water and sanitation, foster peace and resolve conflict and promote education and literacy.

Being a Rotarian means that in what you think, say or do, you ask yourself, “Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendship? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

That Four Way Test, if practiced, guarantees that when you are with Rotarians, you are in the midst of goodness.

"This has been a Rotary Minute.”

Roger Utnehmer  
Rotary District 6220 PHS Coordinator 
District Governor 2024-25 

If this interests you please visit us and consider joining us. 

Please side the side bar menu for an IM-K New Member Application

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