
The Community Projects Committee

The Project Committee undertakes the challenging task of coordinating diverse resources, necessitating meticulous planning and effort to breathe life into our collective dreams. In promoting our mission, we become deeply invested, recognizing that selling ourselves is pivotal in garnering support and resources. There's no greater affirmation of our endeavors than the tangible impact they have on our community. Strengthening our ability to convey this value enhances our collective efficacy in supporting our missions through committees. Hand in hand, both these committees champion the realization of our visions for a better community and society at large. Grounded in the ethos of "Service Above Self," the Community Projects Committee ensures our Club's active engagement, employing our members' time, energy, skills, and expertise to identify and address local needs. Through meticulous planning, budgeting, and coordination, we maximize the impact of our projects, fostering community prosperity through both sweat equity and monetary investments.

"If you question what you want for yourself and your club, write your obituary. And if you’re not happy on what you have accomplished and how you have served others then re-write the ending.  It’s your path alone there is no one else to carry your torch.  Being a part of a greater cause will give you purpose and immense confidence that you can work with others and accomplish goals. Once you’ve honed these skills you will have the tools and knowledge to accomplish much more within and outside of your club. It’s the people who read the obituary that matter the most, what will yours say?" - Dale Cook

Rotary Rose Sale Fundraiser

Each November, the Iron Mountain-Kingsford Rotary Club hosts a Rose Sale Fundraiser to raise money for local community and Rotary International projects. The fundraiser brightens the day for individuals throughout the community.

Rotarians sell tickets for one dozen roses in the weeks leading up to the Rose Sale day at Tadych’s Marketplace Foods. It generally coincides with Michigan’s deer hunting season in November.

The public is also invited to purchase a dozen roses from the Rotary table set up inside Tadych’s on the day of the sale.


Pine Mountain 500 Committee

This committees’ efforts really showcase what it means to unite as a community and be a good Rotarian. It is a great way to promote several things in our community:  volunteering, fundraising to support our projects that serve our community, wellness, and community comradery. 

The fun thing about the Pine Mountain 500 is how unique it is.  Our Club wanted to establish a competitive event that would draw interest from athletes outside the area, but also appeal to the average person and local families.  The Pine Mountain Ski Jump is a symbol of our community and a must stop tourist attraction for visitors, not to mention a pretty spectacular backdrop for race day. 

We have been fortunate to draw runners from numerous states and countries and we as Rotarians have taken pride in helping show off our community through the event.  The community has been heavily involved in supporting our efforts, including help from local government, countless volunteers manning various stations on race day and a crowd of supporters cheering competitors along the course and through the finish line. 

"One of my favorite highlights is high school band students playing music along the course during race day to inspire the participants.  It is a tremendous example of the positivity of small town America." - Benji Wood 

"The event shines a positive light on our club and shows community members that you can have fun while being involved and giving back." - Michele Campbell


Scholarship Committee

Reading student applications gave us hope that the generation that is coming behind us cares about the world we live in and want to grow as individuals.  We select the students based on several factors including community service and financial need. This committee helps to make a student’s future a bit brighter and possible with some financial help towards their education. We enjoy having the students come to lunch after they are selected and share a little bit about their plans. To date we have provided $138,000 in local scholarships.


Picnic Committee

Our committee is important to the club because picnic says "family," and it doesn't get more important than that. The thought of a picnic fosters goodwill and good feelings. And, yes, good food and beverages. It is always great to get together with fellow Rotarians. The closer we are as a group, the easier the flow of communication and ideas. If we feel stifled as a group and are not willing to be open and honest with each other, we cannot grow. In addition to that, having those closest to each member join us wherever we gather is added motivation to put our best foot forward outside the confines of the Tuesday meetings. We feel good about ourselves, and that often leads to wanting to do more. 

 It would be easy to not have a group picnic. It takes time and effort to prepare and cleanup, but we actually look forward to it. Service Above Self.

"You can't put a value on bonding, and this is a huge opportunity to do that. Word of mouth is very important, and for those who might see us only at an event such as a picnic, we win if those people leave thinking, "No wonder you're in Rotary. That's an awesome group of people." It can lead to an increased membership and even bigger ideas." - Keith Houtari 

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is the heart of the club because without members, there can be no "Service Above Self" and thus, no positive impact on our local community. By focusing on consistent recruitment and retention efforts, the committee fuels the club's growth and ensures its mission is fulfilled. We engage in community outreach to educate others about Rotary's mission and seek potential members who resonate with our values. Additionally, we assess and enhance the Rotary experience for existing members, striving to make it exceptional. We will encourage members to invite friends, business associates, and family to visit regular meetings, socials, fundraisers, and service projects. This glimpse of our club in action will provide a welcoming experience that will help shape their understanding of who we are and what we stand for. Through these efforts, we aim to deepen members' engagement with Rotary International and our club's rich history of service spanning over a century.

"Members who are welcoming to all guests, visitors, and potential members are thinking more about the other person’s experience than themselves. That is the first step of the “Service Above Self” journey. Members join for many reasons, but the stay for the friendships and the connections that they make, which can last a lifetime. A vibrant and healthy Rotary club is an asset to every community, especially IMK." - Brian Monroe

Club Leaders
Club Events